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Rx Drugs

We specialize in the manufacture and distribution of an array of therapeutic solutions
targeting chronic lifestyle diseases, a growing concern within our aging society.
Our portfolio includes Teneglip and Teneglip M SR tablets for diabetes management,
Laybone tablets for joint ailments, Sto M tablets for ulcer care, and Artmin tablets
designed to address obesity. We strive to make a significant impact in these critical
areas of health and wellness.

OTC Drugs

We supply high-quality OTC drugs such as Chonti 600 tablets for high-dose
chondroitin osteoarthritis treatment and Keracidil capsules,
a safe hair loss adjuvant therapy for people of all ages.

Contract Manufacturing

Based on our excellent product development capabilities, we provide contract
manufacturing services for a variety of specialty and generic pharmaceuticals.
We supply safe and high-quality drugs through strict adherence to KGMP and
rigorous quality control.

Pharmaceutical Research and Development

We endeavor to excel in pharmaceutical development through the combined
efforts of our New Drug Development Research Institute, spearheading novel drug
development and open innovation, and our Product Development Research
Institute, which focuses on the creation of enhanced and generic drugs.